Е. Боут, Т. Стюарт, и К. Ролинг (E. Boath, T. Stewart and C. Rolling) DOI : 10.3844/crpsp.2014.64.72 Текущо изследване по психология
Том 5, раздел 1
Страници 64-72
A pilot study was carried out to establish the feasibility and effectiveness of Matrix Reimprinting (MR) in treating post traumatic stress symptoms in civilian survivors of the war in Bosnia. Two Healing Hands Network Centres in Bosnia in Sarajevo and Hadzici. Clients accessing the Healing Hands Network in Bosnia were invited to participate in the pilot study of MR. At the start and end of their treatment, clients were asked to complete a modified version of the PTSD Checklist-Civilian Checklist (PCL-C; Blanchard et al., 1996) at baseline, immediately after the two week MR intervention and then at 4 weeks follow-up.
Eighteen clients were included MR pilot study. There was a significant reduction in the mean scores from baseline to immediately post intervention (p = 0.009) and again at the 4 week follow-up (p = 0.005). The size of the immediate effect was sustained at follow-up (p = 0.65). The qualitative analysis (via. an evaluation form at four weeks follow-up) identified the following four themes: Theme 1: Physical and psychological changes Theme 2: The strength to move on and to self-care Theme 3: Rapport with the MR Practitioners Theme 4: Recommending it for others. Despite the limited sample size, significant improvements were shown. The qualitative and quantitative results support the potential of MR as an effective treatment for post traumatic stress symptoms. Further controlled studies are required.
Статията е от Science Publications http://thescipub.com/abstract/10.3844/crpsp.2014.64.72
Boath, E., T. Stewart and C. Rolling, 2014. The impact of EFT and matrix reimprinting on the civilian survivors of war in Bosnia: A pilot study. Curr. Res. Psychol., 5: 64-72.